Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Night Update

Today was a good day for Howard. He had a few visitors from his ward and by the time I got there around 4:00 he was tired but in better spirits and had more energy than I have seen in a week. Shirlee had gone home for a while and of course the Cardiologist came in. She has been trying to track this guy down for a week. So I got her on the phone so that she could get some questions answered. They still think it is important to do the pacemaker. It is a very simple procedure that they don't even knock him out all the way for. Depending on how blood work comes back they said it could happen Monday afternoon but most likely Tuesday sometime.

One of the chambers in his heart isn't sending the correct signals to the other one. They say that if they get that fixed that he could have more energy the dizzy spells and light head should go away. With those two things gone then he should have some energy back.
He has come to terms with the fact that he will most likely be going to a rehab center instead of going right home. It is so nice to say that today was a good day for once. Hopefully will have more news tomorrow.

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