Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Surgery Is A Go For Now

Supposedly tomorrow at 7am Howard will go into surgery for his Pacemaker. Things change with him so fast that is why I will believe it when it happens. He had an okay day today. He ate a little this morning was up in a chair for a couple of hours and was actually awake. This afternoon was a different story. He was having more pain in his abdomen so the Doctor ordered a CAT Scan. That came back normal so they can't figure out why that is happening. He is pretty swollen tonight we can't figure that our since they took him off his IV yesterday. (that also doesn't make since since they wanted to do surgery and since they will have to re-do it for surgery and since he isn't drinking like he is suppose to doesn't make sense at all.) Howard is a hard stick but we aren't the Doctors right. He wasn't in the mood to eat tonight the food they brought him was to spicy and then I went and got him food and he said it was still spicy(KFC = not spicy) plus he said it was to hard to chew. Having a rough evening I think he is frustrated since things are not getting much better. We are hopefully that this Pacemaker will really do everything that they said it will. We should know that in the next 48 hours. I will post tomorrow when we know more.

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