Friday, March 11, 2011

Good News

Finally some good news to report. The Doctors came in today and said that Howard would be moved to a rehab nursing facility. He was suppose to go around 2:30 this afternoon but due to some miscommunication it didn't happen till 7ish this evening. He was in better spirits today and was eating. He was tired by the time that he got to his new home so it is good that it is bed time. They told Shirlee to bring shoes for him tomorrow because they are going to start working him. I am sure he will love that. This next step really depends on him. He has to build up his strength if he ever wants to go home. I will go see him tomorrow. We are all hoping that they will let the boys go and see him because they keep asking for Gpa. We are just happy for the good news. Thank you for your prayers they are working so please keep them coming.

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